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Rancho Penasquitos Little League

PLAYER Eligibility

Player Eligibility

It is important that the selection process for players be fair and transparent and that those players selected uphold the values of RPLL

  1. Player Eligibility. In May and in accordance with Little League International time requirements, the RPLL Player Agents will schedule a time/date where interested players will need to register for consideration to be selected for an All Star Team. This time/date will include the presence of a District Representative who is required to verify registration paperwork for all interested players. Required documents will include an RPLL All Star Contract (commitment letter), an original and copy of the player’s proof of age (Birth Certificate) and acceptable proofs of residency; or school enrollment within RPLL’s boundaries in accordance with the rules set forth by Little League International. At the Player Agent’s discretion, a second time/date may be scheduled. No player will be eligible for selection to an All Star team without registering in person during the required date(s) and submitting the required paperwork. Any player that would like to be considered for an All Star team is encouraged to register for consideration.


  1. Commitment Policy. It is the policy of RPLL, that in order to be eligible for All Stars, players must commit to the RPLL All Star Team, both in terms of the time, and prioritizing the RPLL All Star team first over other sports and activities. Nominees must be available for a significant, if not the entire amount of time required for All Star practices and games. However, a player who is going to miss significant games (defined as more than one week of practices or games), or if they will effectuate an abandonment of their All Star team during this period (i.e. prolonged vacation, summer camps, leaving to play on another team, etc.) will be factors to consider as to whether or not they will be deemed eligible for RPLL All Stars. Thus, a player who knowingly will miss significant time during All Star games and practice time, may be considered ineligible for placement on an RPLL All Star team. Players will be required to detail the dates they are unavailable on their RPLL All Star Contract (commitment letter). Any questions regarding All Star nominee commitments should be addressed by parents to the Player Agent(s).

All spring season Managers should speak to their team’s parents and players prior to All Star registration to ensure parents and players understand the level of commitment required to participate in All Star games and practices. Guidance will be provided by the Division Coach Coordinator; however, it is not a Manager’s responsibility to determine a player’s availability.


Selection of All Star Players

Players are selected to an RPLL All Star team by a combination of player vote, Spring-season Manager vote and All Star Manager selection. Players and managers should consider voting for candidates who throughout the regular season have exhibited talent/skill, a positive attitude, coachability, good sportsmanship, commitment (excellent attendance at games/practices), team leadership, have been good teammates and who represent RPLL and the PQ community in a positive manner.

  1. Player Vote. Players in each division will vote for other players in their division who they feel meet the above criteria. A Player Agent(s) will facilitate this voting before or following a designated regular season game prior to the end of the season. This voting will take place by paper ballot and will only be attended by the players, Manager for the team and the Player Agent(s). Players shall not discuss All Star votes during the voting. Neither Managers nor Player Agent(s) shall give players any guidance on who to cast votes for.  If a player does not participate in the voting at their team's designated time, no makeup period will be provided. At the conclusion of the voting by all teams in a division, the Player Agent(s) will share the voting results of the top five (5) vote getters per division with the Executive Board and those players will be automatically selected to an All Star team.
  2. Manager Vote.  The Managers for each division will be provided a ballot with all eligible players. Managers will submit their selections for their division to the Player Agent(s). The Player Agent(s) will share the voting results of the top five (5) vote getters per division with the Executive Board and those players will be automatically selected to the All Star Team. At the conclusion of the Spring Season-Manager vote, each All Star team will have 10 players on its roster.
  3. All Star Manager Choice. Upon conclusion of the Player and Spring Season-Manager vote, the selected and approved All Star Managers for each All Star team will select the remaining players for their roster from the remaining pool of eligible players. Lower division managers are encouraged to form 12 player rosters to ensure maximum playing time unless there will be known absences from games. The All Star Managers will submit their choices to the Player Agent(s).


Note: Players will only be selected to one All Star team (or one District Tournament team). If a player is eligible for more than one All Star (or District Tournament team) prior to All Star selection, he/she will be asked to prioritize which team he/she would prefer to be added to.

Note: Players may not participate on an All Star team that is representing a division lower than the player played in during the regular season. An example is that an 11-year old that plays in Intermediate cannot play on the Minor A 9-10-11 year old team.

Player Notification

Players chosen for an All Star team will be notified no earlier than the first date permitted by Little League International rules. All Star selections are confidential and CANNOT be released prior to the approved date. Releasing All Star selection information before the authorized date is grounds for Little League International disqualifying all of the offending league’s All Star teams from postseason play. All players selected will have their names posted on and will be notified by their All Star Manager in accordance with the dates set forth by Little League International.

Potential All Star Teams

Registration numbers vary from season to season. The number of players that self-nominate can vary from season to season as well. Because of this, the number of All Star teams per season can vary. 

RPLL typically attempts to field one All Star team per age group. Depending on the number of interested players in a particular age group, additional or fewer teams may be formed. RPLL typically creates All Star or District Stars tournament teams for the following age groups:

  • Juniors – League age 13-15 year olds
  • Intermediate – League age 11-13 year olds
  • Intermediate/Minor A (District Stars Tournament) – League age 11 year olds
  • Minor A – League age 9-10-11 year olds
  • Minor A – League age 8-9-10 year olds
  • Minor A and Minor B (District Stars Tournament) - 8-9 year olds
  • Little Stars (District Stars Tournament) – MAPS 7-8 year olds


Note: 10-year olds that play the regular season in Minor B are eligible for the Minor A 8-9-10 year old and 9-10-11 year old All Star Team. However, 9 and 10 year olds that played their season in Minor A will be considered first, making it unlikely that in most years, a 10-year-old that played in Minor B will be selected for the Minor A 8-9-10 year old or 9-10-11 year old All Star team.

Big Stars (9U) Tournament and Little Stars Tournament

District Tournament teams are different from Little League International All Stars in the fact that the team is created for one particular tournament and will not move on to the various regional or state levels that an All Star team may progress to. No extra eligibility paperwork is required for these teams, however players on these teams are still considered “All Stars” as only talented, committed players are chosen for these teams.

Players League age 9 years old, who have not been selected to an All Star team, may be selected for the 9 District Tournament Team (aka “The Scripps Ranch Summer Classic”); these players are called Big Stars. Players will be voted on to the 9 District Tournament team by a vote of all current Minor B division managers conducted by the Executive Board. T

Players League age 7-8 may be selected to the District Little Stars tournament. Selection to the team is based on manager selection, tryouts and Executive Board approval.

All-Star Registration; PLAYERS Required Documents List

Please be sure to bring the following items to the All Star Registration Table*!

  • Player’s ORIGINAL birth certificate AND a COPY of your player’s original birth certificate for the league to keep (the copy you bring must match the original)
  • Current Year All Star Contract signed by BOTH a parent and player
  • Tournament Player Verification form
  • Three Residency Proofs OR School Enrollment Form (see below)

Click here to download all_star_checklist_2021.pdf

*If your child was previously an All Star (Intermediate, 9/10/11 team or 8/9/10 team) you may bring only the signed All Star Contract to registration. If you are uncertain as to whether or not your player’s All-Star paperwork is on file, please contact the Player Agents at [email protected] PRIOR to the registration date to confirm. The Big Stars (9 Tournament Team) and Little Stars do NOT have paperwork on file so please double check.

School Enrollment Form:

If your child goes to school in RPLL boundaries, a School Enrollment Form may be used IN PLACE of the Proof of Residency documents. Please have your player’s school complete the following form or if you used a SEF during Spring registration, you may use it again as it covers the 2017-2018 school year. Please bring a copy of the SEF turned in at registration or contact the Player Agents if you have given us your original to make sure we have it on file ([email protected])

Click here to download school-enrollment-form.pdf

For all questions, please contact [email protected]

All Stars Participation Contract

This contract is to verify that each player Little League age 8 - 14 years of age in Minors, Majors, Intermediate, and Juniors understands the commitment involved to be eligible for All Star play. To ensure that everyone understands this, each player and parent must complete this contract and return it directly to the Player Agent/Board Member during All Star registration.

Click here to download 2021_all_star_contract.pdf

Tournament Player Verification

All players must fill out and submit the Tournament Player Verification form during the enrollment period. 

Click here to download tournament_player_verification_2021.pdf


Untitled Document   All Star Manager Selection Process

Selection of the All Star Team Managers is an important part of the All Star process. It is important that the selection process be fair and transparent and that those Managers selected uphold the values of RPLL.

  1. Solicitation of Nominations. In May, the President, will notify all current managers and coaches in the appropriate Divisions, of the opportunity to apply to manage an All Star Team, and the process for nominating themselves. Manager candidates will submit via email to the RPLL President their name and the All Star team(s) they would like to be considered for. Managers or coaches interested in managing an All Star team may nominate themselves for the position of All Star Manager.


  1. Eligibility to Manager an All Star Team. All Star Managers must be able to make a full commitment to their All Star Team. Besides holding frequent practices and attending games, Managers will be required to know and understand Little League International Official Rules pertaining to “Tournament Rules and Guidelines”. Mandatory District, Sectional, Sub-Divisional, Regional and higher meetings must also be attended. Managers will be expected to invest a significant amount of time and energy into making the All Star experience positive one for all participants.

Selection of All Star Managers. The President will evaluate All Star Manager candidates and select candidates who he or she believes will best represent RPLL and provide the best experience for an All Star team. Criteria which will be considered, includes but is not limited to:

    • the candidate has proven to be a dynamic leader and knowledgeable in the sport of baseball
    • the candidate treats players and others fairly and with respect
    • the candidate possesses organizational skills and professionalism on the field
    • the candidate has received positive parent and player feedback during the present and past seasons
    • the candidate has been personally observed by the President (and other RPLL Board Members) during the regular season
    • the candidate is willing to commit the time needed to manage All Stars


Announcement of All Star Managers

The President will recommend his selected All Star Manager choices to the Executive Board for approval. Once approved, All Star Managers will be announced and posted on the League’s website in accordance with the timeline set forth by Little League International. Selected All  Star Managers will be notified, but may not share or discuss their selection with any person

other than the Executive Board before official announcements are made. Failure to maintain this confidentiality will result in removal from their position.

After the All Star players have been selected, the All Star Manager will choose two official assistant coaches. All Star coach choices will be approved by the RPLL President. All managers and coaches selected must have a current background check on file with RPLL.

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Rancho Penasquitos Little League

P.O. Box 720181 
San Diego, California 92172

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